Please take a few minutes out of your day to read this blog… a very interesting outlook on our generation…

Thanks to “the phoenix and olive branch” for this piece.

-The Other Point of View

More Lonely Than Before…

Know Your Worth

Does waking up to someone in bed every morning make you happy? What if it is someone different every time… Or rather… does having meaningless relationships make you happy? Or would you rather just have someone to call upon when you are lonely…

It’s sad… but when one truly looks at the situation… you can see both parties are just being used. But why? Why? How does this work? How, possibly, in the back of your mind, can you believe that you are doing something good for your feelings/heart when you don’t even love what you are doing?

It makes me wonder… Why do it in the first place then? What is the point in these meaningless relationships… Is it to just make you happy? Is it to satisfy your sexual cravings? Is it to making you feel less lonely… when in actuality, it makes you feel even more so???

Maybe I’m approaching this to sensitive… I mean… it’s just fucking right? Right? What is wrong with sex being just sex? Why does there always have to be feelings involved? Emotions involved? Why can’t just two people get together and just enjoy something wonderful…

That last paragraph is something I’ll never know the answer to.  I’ll never understand how one could eventually allow themselves to have sex ONLY because they feel lonely or needed.  And to do it with someone that doesn’t care about you or your feelings, but to only satisfy their own loneliness or neediness.

I am a man.  I am sensitive.  I do care about who I have sex with.  I don’t want meaningless relationships.  I do love.  I do fall in love.  I do care about other’s emotions.  Call me what you want… but this, my dear friends, is what is missing.  This, my dear friends, is why relationships of this sort I have talked about above… will never work.  Cause without emotions, without caring, WITHOUT… love… this is just lust.

And lust, to me, is a desease that the mind makes up just to make you feel less lonely.  Lust… hurts the soul and cripples the body… and will never… truly… make one happy.

-The Other Point Of View


A good friend just made this post and thought I’d share it to all my followers: Bullying of an elder.

And here is a bit more to add to her blog:

What is even more sad… is that parents have no clue because they are not being parents.  And I agree… I knew what would happen to me if I talked like that.  I keep saying that they need to bring punishments back to schools.  I remember my teachers in first grade smacking knuckles of kids hands when they would talk back.  Our principle was allowed to spank children with bad behavior.  Another issue is… child protection advocates.  I’m not saying it’s right to beat a child… but damn… there is nothing wrong with a good spanking to teach them a lesson.  Children are not “scared” of their parents anymore for their bad behavior, because they know their parents can’t touch them.  And once the parent does… the child will make a big deal out of it and then you have the school board and police doing investigations.

Another issue is the school itself.  Schools are being told left and right about bullying that is going on, and the schools just ignore it.  They say they’ll look into it just to put peace in your mind, but they aren’t doing anything about it.  Schools and Parents are the worse corporates of these events.  Lack of good parenting (teaching of right and wrong and actually going through with bad behavior punishments) and the schools lack of following through with bullying complaints. It is sickening that schools just seem to not care.

Bullying has been going on for decades… but it seems like in this last decade… they have gone from light hazing events to all out jumping and killing someone.  And the kid being picked on are afraid to stand up and fight… because bullies do not fight far anymore either.  It’s not one and one anymore… you fight once with your bully… they come back with all their friends.  Now its one on six+.  OR the bully comes to school the next day with a gun or knife.  So what do you do… one kid brought a taser gun to school in Indianapolis, Indiana to protect himself against bullies.  Probably not the right answer, but it sure as hell got the school board in the spotlight to do something about it.  The press has been all over that event.

Something does need to change… and quickly… because right now, the kids getting picked on aren’t all resorting to weapons yet… but I have a feeling that will change if they feel that is the only way to protect them… which is sad.  Remember Columbine? That was a result of a kid being picked on wasn’t it??? And that was his retaliation???  That was over a decade ago… and nothing has changed.  If anything… it has become worse.

I just hope we find a solution before more schools have died students and everyone wondering what happened…

-The Other Point of View


Everything Happens for A Reason…

We all just hope that we find out what that reason is sooner than later…

-The Other Point of View

Right Back At Ya!

Sometimes life… gives you lemons.  Sometimes life… gives you roses.  Well… I know I’m not perfect… but anyone that wants to judge me before judging themselves… this picture below illustrates my thoughts exactly…

-The Other Point of View

All You Need is Love?

I hear this a lot… “All you need is love!”

Is love really THAT powerful that you can get through anything if all you had was it?

I question this a lot.  Mainly… because either I have never been truly in love before, or because the other person in the relationship wasn’t really in love; regardless, this has never ever been what was all I needed.  To me… love comes and goes.  I grew up believing that blood (family/friends) is thicker than water (relationships).  That there are lots of fish in the sea… so don’t dwell on just one fish.  Same meaning: Dont hold your breath on one aspect of your life… you may never breathe again.

Life is about living… and to me… love sometimes holds you down from living, if that love isn’t genuine.  Now… don’t get me wrong.  I believe in the theory of love.  I believe in what it stands for.  But… it seems to never be enough to hold me through the bullshit that relationships (i’m in) go through.  And… Yes… there is always bullshit…

I look at my past… and smile about all the beautiful ladies that have been in my life.  All the wonderful relationships that were started… and then at all the misery that one went through to get past that relationship… thats right, I said smile.  Why?  Why not?  Every event in my life is an opportunity to learn from it and make it better the next time.  So rather I win or lose… it all evens up with me.

The truth? The truth will bite you in the ass when you are looking dead at the picture.  The truth doesn’t need to hide… The truth is black and white.  And the truth will ALWAYS come out.  So if you or her/him doesn’t really love the other… that will become noticed sooner than later… at least… we hope sooner than later.

As I continue life and swim through this ocean… I will continue to take breaths, because the reality is, as much as each of us wants to be loved… someone of us will drown waiting around to long for it…

“To live doesn’t mean you’re alive” -Nicki Minaj


-The Other Point of View


The Question…


There are many things in life that one just will never understand… Even with questions being asked, one may still feel overwhelmed to understand a certain something. I often get confused where to draw the line of friendship, particularly with females. I, honestly, get along with females better than males. I find myself able to easily carry a conversation with a female with ease. But… should I pursue anything more? Does she like me in away that she would want to be pursued? I catch myself thinking this… just because we talk, does it actually many anything more than friendship.

I know I over think… and I know I can be a worrier (thanks Mom for that trait); however, my questions make absolute sense to ask. I am a single (well almost…) male. I am a loving person. I enjoy and love myself. I have great friends. I have a very loving family. But I am missing that one thing that people do yearn for… a companion… a female that will be there for me and vise versa.

For now… I am enjoying what life throws at me. The friendships that have began again, and the new friends that have walked into my life. I also agree with the statement: “if its meant to be, it will happen”. And also: “Everyone has someone out there for them”.

So for now… I’m going to enjoy the single life… drink my vodka and wines… and if some lady just happens to come up to me and say: “hello”… I will be open to the idea of something that could be great.

Let me know your thoughts on this topic… Why is it hard to date? When does the line get drawn? When is it too late to finally ask someone out?

-The Other Point of View