
It is amazing how quickly life can change your attitude around. At one point in my life (just a few short weeks ago), I was preaching that I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship unless I found someone that could take my breath away… Today I am writing to let you know… that the woman that has taken by breath away, has agreed with me to move in together to start a life of “us”.

What is going to happen in the next few weeks will be an amazing transition in my life… a life that I never thought I would find in my lifetime…

I’m moving in…

To Be Continued…


Found Love…

I sincerely apologize for not posting to my blog much of late…

What has happened to me over the past month is nothing but a miracle.  I have met someone.  Someone that I didn’t think was possible to find in my lifetime.  I would describe her as a soulmate… even though I don’t quite believe that a soulmate does exist.  What this woman has shown me, has done for me, is amazing and has taken my heart away.

Is it crazy to say you can be ‘In Love’ after only a few weeks?  Is it even possible to be in love after just a few weeks?  I know I am.  I know she is.  We have expressed this to one another and both feel just as comfortable with one another.  Its almost as if… we have known each other all of our lives.

She has met one side of my family and I have met her mother… and even though the time we had with the families was only a few hours with them, our family members have told us (he or she) was the one.  They really liked “Us”.  Again, they felt completely comfortable, almost as if, we have all known each other forever.

There is a good chance, in a few short weeks, we will be moving in together and start a life of “Us”.  I can’t wait for this moment, and she can’t wait for this moment either.

To my readers… Love is out there, the trick is… act like you don’t want it for it to find you.

To Be Continued…


P.S. I will get my blogging habits in order… I won’t go a month of no post again! lol

Marriage happens…

“[Marriage] happens as with cages: the birds without despair to get in, and those within despair of getting out.” *
― Michel de Montaigne

*I am not saying I will never find love again, but simply stating that, in light of facing a truth, being single has as many advantages as being married does.

My life, as it is today, is happy that I am not married… Why?  Well, because I enjoy flirting and meeting new people.  When you get into a relationship… it seems to start to cripple my strengths.  I am a people person.  Many people are not.  I enjoy flirting.  Many relationships see this as a sign of cheating.  So why would I tie myself down if I can be better off flying solo?

I won’t let love fly by without notice though.  If there so happens to be woman out there than can handle my personality and sense of humor, then I will be happy to look into the possibilities of being with said woman.  However, it seems to me that this is harder than one would think.  There are over 7 billion people on this planet… I am sure there is a woman out there that I am attracted to that is attracted to me and can handle me. lol

But until said woman walks into my life… I will continue to be me!



A Glimpse Into My Life… Pt. XIII


Men are suppose to be stronge.  Men are suppose to be brave.  Men aren’t suppose to cry. Men aren’t suppose to be needy.  Men aren’t suppose to… Men are suppose to…

Blah blah blah blahhhhhhhhhh…

What makes a man a man?  At what point does another man or woman get to call out a man for his unmanliness?  I have been through this time and time again… and I’m over here thinking, am I really that different?

Unlike ‘real’ men… which, in my opinion, aren’t ‘real men’, I do cry.  You catch me watching a chick flick and you may catch me having watered eyes.  I am needy.  What grown man doesn’t want a lady there for them.  What grown man doesn’t want a strong woman by their side?  And by strong… I don’t mean can change the lightbulb… I mean, can be there to support you and lift you up when things aren’t going your way. Who wouldn’t want that?

I have had many people tell me that I get too serious too quickly… I can’t help that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I can’t help that I try to fully trust a lady with my heart every time.  I do fall for someone quickly.  I do set my mind on someone I am in interest in, and I do try to learn everything about that someone.  I joke about it… but I call it ‘studying’.  Woman love a man that can remember things they have mentioned… or at least I thought they did.

I see so many woman that complain about their man, or a man, never listening to them.  ‘It goes through one ear and out the other’ with these men these women talk about.  Well… guess what… I am a listener.  I am also a note taker.  You tell me something you don’t like or do like… you can believe I try my hardest to pay attention to that so I can try to impress you at a later time.

I am romantic.  I am a gentleman.  I still believe in opening the door for a lady.  I still believe in paying the tab.  When dropping a lady off at their place, I stay until I see them fully enter their house and turn on a light.  I remember when birthdays are.  I remember when we first met.  Where we first met.  I know these things are important to you, so I make the effort to show you how important they are to me too.

If this isn’t signs of being a ‘real’ man… than maybe the ‘real’ woman doesn’t exist anymore… something to think about.

To Be Continued…


Lonely Paths

I walk tall
Eyes to the ground
Simple things in this life
Seem hard to be found

Hidden in the dark
My vision tries to see
Pupils enlarged
But nothing I see

I’m told I can find it
But it’s not meant to be found
Wait for it to find you
And spin your around

Life isn’t difficult
Only you make it so
So life is difficult
Because you made it so

Maybe it’s time you realized the truth
Maybe, just maybe…
It’s time to stand up to you…

the end and the beginning…

As this year has come to an end… I look back at everything that has happened this year, and I am grateful. I told myself to make 2012 my year… And I think I had a great year in doing just that.

I started the year off with a great birthday party with amazing friends. I love each and every one of you. You have no idea how much your presence helped me get through this year.

I finalized my divorce. That was a hard one. I need to move on with my life, as did she, and so as we closed this chapter in our lives, we both have moved on to live our own lives.

Very close friends of mine became engaged! I couldn’t be more happy for the two of them! Tiffany and Aaron, you two are amazing and I can’t wait to see you two on your wedding day! Love you guys!

I officially broke into the DJ business. I did two parties and everyone had positive comments on how I performed. That has made me decide to get into this business and start doing gigs. My first wedding is already booked, and I can’t wait to make memories for them.

I feel my best friend and I have spent more time this year hanging out than many of the past years. I love her and her daughter to death. They both are amazing people in my life, and without them, it would be hard to make it through some weeks.

My sister got married and had a baby! She is also expecting a second one that will be due in 2013. Her husband, Kane, is a wonderful guy and I’m glad he is my brother-in-law. He is a great addition to our crazy family! Lol. You two are perfect for each other. Love you guys!

My personally life wasn’t as great as I had hoped it would be… However; this year wasn’t about me having relations, it was about growing myself and finding myself. I went through many personal changes and have started to improve myself in many ways.

My roommate, Christyna Smith, has been amazing. Right when I absolutely needed a roommate, you just happened to want to be my roommate. You are an amazing woman, you are an amazing cook, and you actually like to helps keep the house clean. Thank you for everything.

I have met many new friends along this year, and I have lost many friends this year too. People will come and go in your life, and that’s ok. I have learned to let go and let the past be the past. Which is always very hard for me to do.

I started working for a new company this year that has been amazingly beyond my expectations. Not only does this job fulfill my goals of working in a field of my degree, but it is a very fast pace, exciting, and motivating opportunity as well. I love this job, I have an amazing boss, and I can’t wait to see what 2013 will become of our company.

I hope everyone had amazing year and let’s make 2013 another amazing year!

P.S. If I forgot to mention you… No worries, I’m just trying to write a quick summary of the year, and I’ll add to this as more memories come to mind.

To Be Continued…


A Glimpse Into My Life… Pt. XII

Christmas Traditions…

For years I have always spent the night at my fathers house on Christmas Eve.  We (my father, my brother, and I) would wake up Christmas morning to breakfast and presents.  Breakfast was always cinnamon rolls accompanied with a Roselyn Bakery’s Alligator Cake.  We would place a candle on this Alligator Cake and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jesus.  We would then start to open presents and enjoyed the time spent with each other.

After some time, I would leave to head over to my mother’s family Christmas gathering.  We would sit around and tell stories about different events in our lives.  Eat a wonderful lunch prepared by my grandmother, aunts, and mother.  We would then open gifts and enjoy spending some more time with each other.

Over the years my Christmas day evening would change.  First it was just hanging out and enjoying the evening with my inner family.  Later it became the tradition to head over to my mothers house to spend time with my brothers, their significant others and their children, and open gift there. We would enjoy a good dinner made by my mother.  Later, when I was married, this changed to heading down to Florence, Kentucky to spend time with my wife’s family and enjoy presents and dinner there.

Today is much more eventful.  I know spend the Christmas Eve evening with my second Mom’s (step-mother) family.  We enjoy a nice evening with dinner and gift exchanges.  I then go back into the tradition of spending the night at my fathers house with the same opening of presents and having breakfast as usual, however; this time it’s my father, step-mother, brother, and me (and sometimes my sister, brother-in-law, and their children). I then do the rest of the day like my normal tradition.  My evenings are usually relaxing at my house or a family members house enjoying conversation/movies.

What traditions do you have?  Where do you usually travel to on Christmas day?

To be Continued…
