

When I am awake
I am tired
When I am asleep
I am awake
When I am dreaming
I am focused
When I am thinking
I am dreaming
When I am awake
I am sleeping
When I am tired
I am awake
When I am dreaming
I am thinking
When I am focused
I am dreaming

When I am bored
I am working
When I am at home
I am bored
When I am writing
I am suggestive
When I am plotting
I am writing
When I am bored
I am at home
When I am working
I am bored
When I am writing
I am plotting
When I am suggestive
I am writing

When time continues
Life stands still
When life continues
Time stands still
When time stands still
Life continues
When life stands still
Time continues…

Catch Me…

Days asleep
Nights awake
To much time to think
To much time to think

Spending time
Countless conversations
Taking things step by step
Getting to know you

These thoughts
Shouldn’t be happening
But these dreams
Seem everlasting

Days asleep
Nights awake
I’m falling
Catch me before
My life starts

Know Yourself…

Chase the rabbit
Into the dark hole
Take a leap of faith
You don’t know where it my go

Down and Down
A Tunnel you fall
Then land on your feet
In a room where you seem so tall

Its all a dream
Or is it
You try to pinch yourself
But nothing seems to work

You start to wonder
Is this…
really real…
Or is something waiting to lurk

Queen of hearts
Be damned if you meet her
Her games are filled with deceit

One bad play,
Off with your head,
Time to pull back and retreat

Remember the journey,
Remember the bravery,
Remember who you are…

Cause at the end of the day,
No matter what they say,
You’re a better character of judgement
Than they are…

Healthy Lifestyle…

Ahhh… Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just toss ourselves into a dryer for 40 minutes and come out 3 times smaller and wrinkle free??? Of course it would! But see what I did there… I got a vision in your mind that is too good to be true.
Life is tough. Life is hard. Life is challenging. In this age where dreams are coming true with technology… The fact remains… We don’t have the Fountain of Youth yet. We must take care of our bodies. We must treat our bodies like it is fragile. (WARNING: HANDLE WITH CARE)

Continue reading “Healthy Lifestyle…”

Days And Nights… Nights And Days…

With my two jobs I have, I have challenges with positive sleeping habits. I work three days from 6AM to 6PM, then I change it up and work three days from 6PM to 6AM. My final shift is short from 5PM to 9PM.  Sleeping is an important part of your health. Trying to joggle it can be challenging. 

My Mondays and my Thursdays are the hardest days of the week. Because of the change of time to work, my body sometimes struggles on these two days.  On top of all of this, since March, I have only had 7 days off. 

Eating healthy has been key to keep my body moving. By all means… Im not perfect. I have an addiction to cookies. ? I try to eat as clean as possible so my body isn’t full of caffeine and sugars. There are those moments that a Redbull just hits the spot. 

So I’m asking my readers a question: When your body is tired… Whats your source of energy that you turn to?

WWDC 2016 Thoughts

I haven’t watched the keynote yet; however, from what I have read Apple has made some nice tweaks to all their OS’s. 

What stood out to you? 

It’s been a long time.  I shouldn’t of left you…

Howdy. It’s been over six months since I’ve made a post. Life, as you can tell, has been busy on my end. To get you up to date: I have left one career and joined two careers. I am now working as a security officer and with my father’s company. Both are exciting and keep me moving. 

Because of all this moving around… I am also getting back to a healthy weight again. I got up to 230 lbs (Yikes!) but now I am down to 205 since starting these jobs in March. I am hoping to be at/below 190 within a few months. 

Life is good though. I cannot complain. I have an amazing wife that supports me through all my endeavors. My family, always supportive. And my friends who are always amazing. 

I recently purchased a gun and I’m in the process of getting my life carry permit. For those wondering… I purchased a Glock 19. Amazing gun to shoot. 

Working security, I have become acquainted to many new people. Most of these new people are awesome, and some are becoming good friends. I have always been a person that enjoys meeting new people. I have always been a person that enjoys learning about people and how they live their lives. 

Well… Thats all for now. Stay tuned… I want to get back into blogging again. It’s like a diary… That the public gets to read. 


News: November 13, 2014 at 10:07PM

Flying Fake Cell Towers Collects Data on Target Fugitives, But Can Collect Data from your phone too…

“In the US, the Justice Department’s Marshals Service office is putting fake cell towers on planes in an effort to catch criminals by tracking down their phones. The problem is, those fake towers don’t discriminate and end up collecting data from tens of thousands of phones per flight”

What are your thoughts on this?