A Glimpse Into My Life… Pt. II

Have you ever been truly in love???  I have been… once.

It all started about nine years and six months ago…

I worked as the GM Assistant Manager at a Marsh Supermarkets near Fox Road in the Geist area of Indianapolis, Indiana.  Her mom and her shopped there once a week.  I would always say “Hi” to them, and help them find things from time-to-time.  Her mother was a very wonderful person.  She always had a smile on her face, and I could tell she was a very loving woman.  Her daughter… was beautiful.  She had an amazing smile and a figure that would drive any man crazy at that age.  Age… that was the one thing that always concerned me.  I knew this daughter was younger than me, but it was really hard to tell how ‘much’ younger she really was.

A few weeks go by and I start to find friends of mine that also were friends with her.  I found out she was in HS, and that she was beginning to start her senior year. I was beginning to start my freshman year of college, so I felt relieved that she was not too much younger than I.  I also found out her name: Kristi.  Kristi… this name seemed to fit her very well.  She had amazing blue eyes, had a shy but interesting personality, and enjoyed going to after school activities (basketball and football games). The more I began to know about her, the more I started to have an interest in her.

A few weeks later, while I was at work, she stops in to get a salad.  She walked by me, smiled, and, at that moment, I knew I had to stop her and have a conversation with her.  The conversation went well.  We had a small chat that ended with me giving her my number.  I honestly didn’t expect her to call… I have always been good with talking to ladies, but getting calls from them was rare.  I got off of work that day around three or four pm, and within a few hours, my phone rang.  At that moment… I knew I found someone special.

Like every relationship… you have your ups and downs.  Mostly all the downs were because of my stupidity and selfishness, but somehow, she was still there by my side.  We went to college together, then moved in together, then I proposed to her one late evening in December of 2006.  We even set a date that same night on when we would wed.  We both wanted a Winter wedding day.  After some thinking late into this night, we decided on a December 27th, 2008 wedding date.  Everything was set.  The future looked promising.  I was in love with her and loved her.  She was, and still is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

No… this story doesn’t have a happy ending.  Not even three years later… we ended up giving up.  Less than a year after that, we ended up getting a divorce.  The reasons for us getting a divorce?  Well… I would say it was 50/50; however, I would have to say I was more at blame, so it was probably closer to 80/20.  We had issues.  We had some problems that we could not seem to get past.  I became a weak man, a weak husband, and even though I tried to stand tall… I crumbled.

Divorce has been very hard on me… I have tried to suck it up, go out with friends and family, and try to hide the truth of how much pain I was in.  I missed her, and I still do miss her.  Thoughts of other men dated her angered me.  Even though I’m the one that asked for the divorce, I felt she was still, very much, apart of me.  But she wasn’t… There was nothing I could do to win her heart back.  Our relationship was ruined because of actions that I took.  If only I was a stronger man… if only I had just listened to her problems/concerns… then maybe, maybe, we would still be together today.

To Be Continued…


You Said What? Pt I

*the following is for discussion only and not intended to directly upset an individual that has been a victim of rape or any form or sexual assault.*

“It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Mr. Akin said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.” -Todd Akin

Ok, ok , ok, ok….

Lets talk about this…

First off… rape is a very serious and tragic event that can happen to anyone’s life.  This is not something that anyone should take lightly.  So with that in mind… I’m shocked that Mr. Akin would start to preach this event, in the way he choose to, during his election.  Now… I am a conservative myself.  So, yes, I do believe in “pro-life”.  I also believe that there is always a good thing that can happen out of every bad situation… and maybe having a child could be that “good thing”.

Secondly… lets talk about his claim that women have “ways to try to shut that whole thing down”.  Studies show that only one percent of women that experience this unfortunate event, do become pregnant. Some studies do actually show that during this intense emotional trauma, that female’s bodies hormones are off balance.  Because of these hormones being off, this “can radically upset her possibility of ovulation, fertilization, implantation and even nurturing of a pregnancy.”

So… is it possible that Todd Akin’s actually was right? According to Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association, Mr. Akin is “exactly right”.

However, there are many problems.  Data.  Data.  Data.  There isn’t any… or hardly any.  According to Dr. Greene: “there are all sorts of hormones, including ones that cause your heart to beat fast when you’re frightened; however, I’m not aware of any data that says rape reduces a woman’s risk of getting pregnant.”

In conclusion… this is a serious topic.  And one that should be carefully observed because of its seriousness.  We can see that when rape does happen, that only one percent of women do become pregnant.  Reason’s for this low number is unknown, but more likely, thankful that it is a low number.

What are your thoughts on this subject?

-The Other Point of View

Amazes Me, Pt. III

By now, you have probably heard about her… The “Tanning Mom” is what they call her.  She was accused of taking her 6-year-old daughter into a tanning bed.

What are your thoughts on this subject…

To Love Or Not To Love Again…


My thoughts on this are deep… One part of me wants to find someone to love. Someone that I truly care for. Someone that I can grow old with. Someone that I can share my deepest thoughts and secrets with. Someone that I can have a family with. But then… the other part of me wants just relationships. No marriage. Just an accessional girlfriend from time to time, or someone I can just go on dates with whenever.

Why this split thought on Love…

I’ve been married. Felt the heartache. Seen what it can do to two people. And it makes me not want to go through that again… However, if the right person came along, I would give marriage another go.

Do I want a family…

Yes. No question about that. I love children. I would love to be able to teach them things to grow up to be amazing people. I would love to take family vacations, instead of just going with “the men”. Something about family trips are just exciting. I have some of the best childhood memories while on vacations.

Will I ever find another woman that I would consider marriage with?

I am sure I will. As one grows older… you start to want that companionship. The urge to want to be with someone. To grow old with someone. I’ve been living alone for almost a year now… and its already getting boring. lol

So… bottom of the line is… now that I have been down that road of marriage, when it comes to the second go-around, I will be picky. I have, if you will, studied this area, and have an understanding on what to look for. If I am blessed to have a woman walk into my life that “takes my heart”, and wants a family, and wants to do things together, and enjoys my company as much as I’ll enjoy her company, then I will be the happiest man on the planet.

But as a good friend says… “good luck with that” lol

-The Other Point of View

Amazes Me, Pt II

Read the picture…

Counter-Argument:  Since when did someone that likes big tits die from too much tit sight-seeing??? Even more bluntly… would you rather have your meat in-between some flat buns or a nice pair of big tits?  #justsaying

-The Other Point of View


Alcohol: My “Truth Serum”?

Everyone is guilty of this… if you drink the right drink, you suddenly become very open to everyone around you.  Your emotions, if you will, over come you and you can not stop what you are about to say. Nor should you stop what you are about to say… because, after all, it is the truth right?

Vodka and wine are my worse enemies… if anyone ever wants to know my true feelings about most subjects, get me talking after a few shots of Goose or a bottle of red wine, and you shall see.

Sadly, I even admit it to everyone that its the alcohol doing this to me, but I still can’t help but to keep talking.  Maybe the governments are in on this.  Maybe they figured out a chemical that they put in every alcohol product in the world, and it makes everyone show their true colors.

Many sites when you search for it talk about it.  Some say, that in a way, truth serum drugs and alcohol do have many of the same effects.  These same websites also warn everyone to take what someone says, while under the influence, as a grain of salt.  Like truth serum drugs, one can believe that fiction or dreams will be thought as a truth and said during this time as well with certainty.

Regardless… everyone becomes a bit more open with the right drink, but don’t let this hold you back from having an amazing night out!

-The Other Point of View

Checking for Sex Offenders…

Just recently in the news, I heard about a family renting the upstairs of their townhouse to a man.  The family said he was a really nice person that took care of the area around the house, paid his rent on time, was friendly with the neighbors, and so on.  What they didn’t know, was that he was taking underage girls up into house room and doing sexual activities with them… including the landlords daughter.

The world today has some sick people that live in it.  Which is why everyone has to take more caution around the people they live around and be with.  Why did this family not do a background check on this man? Well, according to the police, even if the family did, the man didn’t register himself in the Indiana State Sex and Violent Offender List website.  He has done this many times before.

Indiana state law requires anyone living in the state of Indiana that is a sex or violent offender, to register themselves with the local police department within 72 hours when he/she moves into a new location that is considered their primary residence.

Some facts about sex offenders:

  1. 45% of sexual victims are under 12 years of age
  2. 75% of victims know their attacker
  3. 50% of sex offenders re-offend
  4. More than half of rape/sexual assault incidents happen within a mile of the victim’s home.
  5. Sex offenders cross socio-economic boundaries, living in both the richest and poorest of neighborhoods.

To check if there are sex or violent offenders around your area in Indiana, you can visit the government site HERE, or you may visit the national site HERE.  Both of these sites allow you to enter an address in, and it will show you a map of the registered offenders within 3 miles of that location.  I know I was surprised by a few people registered within a block of my location.  There are a lot of families with young kids that live in my neighborhood, so that made me a bit uneasy.

Check these sites out for yourself… you might be surprised at what you see too…

-The Other Point of Vew

Keeping “Whoopee” Interesting…

Women, I DON’T need to preach this to you, Men need sex.  Men, I DO need to preach this to you, women want sex.  What’s the difference? Thanks for asking…

Men’s DNA is programed to need sex in their life.  Men need to, if you will, satisfy their cravings like a vampire does with a victim. Seek, Search, Destroy! Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am!  Sounds terrible doesn’t it… Try being the vampire…

Women’s DNA isn’t programmed to NEED sex in their life; however, it’s programmed to WANT sex in their life.  Hence why a female can “hang in there” longer (if you know what I mean), before she has the urgency to satisfy her want.

(Now, let me clarify something… Women can be “wild”.  Like their DNA has been twisted to match a males in a way that makes them fein far more greater than a man’s need is.  Which, if a man finds this kind of woman, he will be a happy happy campier.)

So… how does one keep this interesting?


You know your man loves and needs sex. You know men are a visual breed and love to see a visual before the interaction.  Meaning: dress up for him!  Not just in a teddy or something, but actually wear sexy “going out” outfits.  Make him want to chase you.  You remember how you got him in the first place.  You was probably at a bar looking fantastic with your “girls”.  Make him remember that time.  It keeps the interest.  Also, tease but don’t be a “tease”.  Its ok to play but don’t do it to then hold back.  This will make a man lose the interest.


Understand your lady. Understand her wants.  Nothing turns on a woman more than making her feel special.  Make it known that she is yours.  Go out of your way, ALWAYS, for her.  DO random things (like clean the house before she gets home).  Flowers, or even a card, sent to her work.  Men, the more the lady feels like a queen, the more she is going to want to be “with” you.  Spend time with her.  Do things with her (even if its just grocery shopping).  Trust me… the rewards of making her feel loved FAR OUTWAY only being there for sex.  Cause, hint for ya boys… she’ll please better when she is in love with who and what you are and how you take care of her.

If both parties do what I mentioned above, both parties win.

-The Other Point of View