Checking for Sex Offenders…

Just recently in the news, I heard about a family renting the upstairs of their townhouse to a man.  The family said he was a really nice person that took care of the area around the house, paid his rent on time, was friendly with the neighbors, and so on.  What they didn’t know, was that he was taking underage girls up into house room and doing sexual activities with them… including the landlords daughter.

The world today has some sick people that live in it.  Which is why everyone has to take more caution around the people they live around and be with.  Why did this family not do a background check on this man? Well, according to the police, even if the family did, the man didn’t register himself in the Indiana State Sex and Violent Offender List website.  He has done this many times before.

Indiana state law requires anyone living in the state of Indiana that is a sex or violent offender, to register themselves with the local police department within 72 hours when he/she moves into a new location that is considered their primary residence.

Some facts about sex offenders:

  1. 45% of sexual victims are under 12 years of age
  2. 75% of victims know their attacker
  3. 50% of sex offenders re-offend
  4. More than half of rape/sexual assault incidents happen within a mile of the victim’s home.
  5. Sex offenders cross socio-economic boundaries, living in both the richest and poorest of neighborhoods.

To check if there are sex or violent offenders around your area in Indiana, you can visit the government site HERE, or you may visit the national site HERE.  Both of these sites allow you to enter an address in, and it will show you a map of the registered offenders within 3 miles of that location.  I know I was surprised by a few people registered within a block of my location.  There are a lot of families with young kids that live in my neighborhood, so that made me a bit uneasy.

Check these sites out for yourself… you might be surprised at what you see too…

-The Other Point of Vew

The Events That Make Us Remember…

Life becomes so busy at times that you forget to stop and remember what the most important things are about life.  We associate ourselves with “things” so much that we forget about what life is all about…

Family, Friends, Health, Love…

During the sad moments in life, you are reminded about these four areas.  Each one of these are important to one’s life, and these are the foundation of helping us get back on our feet when we are down.  Why do we start to get caught up in the material things, and slowly start to forget the importance of all four of these areas?  Its sad that such tragic events has to happen to realize that these four areas are all you need; however, it’s good to know that when such tragic events do take place, that these four areas are there for you.

“When all else fails, just remember this one thing… Friends and Family will be always at your side… during the sunshine… and even more so, when it rains.” -unknown

-The Other Point of View

Facebook App VS Facebook HTML5

As of late, Facebook has been making a lot of its users frustrated with the iOS and Android App that it has.  The App freezes.  The App doesn’t load correctly. The Notification Bar will not load properly (you will see a number but when looking at your notifications, there will be nothing new showing up).  And at times, the App doesn’t even load profiles.

Here’s something interesting though… Facebook has created a mobile HTML5 version of their site.  If you go to in on your smartphone, you will see, what appears to be, the same look as the App that you also have on your phone.  Here’s another interesting thing… the HTML5 version loads quicker!  Its Notification Bar is accurate in displaying new  notifications!  It loads the newly designed Timeline for profiles and tad faster!

This all makes you wonder… why should I even use the actually App then???

The App does offer the “pull-down to refresh” feature.  The HTML5 just automatically checks for new updates.  The App does feel more comfortable to people.  The App does uses the screen real estate better.  But besides these few features, the HTML5 version and the App version, both look the exact same way.

If you are having problems using the Facebook App, then try going to, and you might be surprised at how much better it really is!


-The Other Point of View

The Amazingly-Lost Wonderfully-Ruined Social Media Known As Twitter

First off… I want to start off saying: I love Twitter.  I respect what Twitter is wonderful at doing.  I enjoy the interactions and communications that happen between users to spread information from one part of the world to the next part of it.  Hence, posting this blog to Twitter still shows my joy in using such service…

So what am I talking about???

About 5 years ago when I started using Twitter, I enjoyed getting important information from people I followed about worldwide events.  It was, if you will, a “geek” place to “hangout”.  It allowed for events to be told around the world within seconds of it happening, instead of days by the papers.

OK? So get to the point…

Twitter is now filled with dirt.  There, I said it, its nothing but spam.  So many people follow so many people, that the individual is lucky to even be heard.  It has come down to this… How come I can get more interaction on news with Facebook than I can with Twitter?  Where did Twitter go wrong?  What did Facebook do right?  These questions are actually really hard to answer…

But I do have a theory…

The average person is getting tired of going to two different social media platforms, constantly, to get their information, and/or, to tell their own information.  Facebook, hands down, is the heavy weight champ when it comes to social media.  You can have your family, close friends, friends, old friends, acquaintances, and your extended friends of friends.  You have hundreds of Apps that connect with Facebook to add more interaction to your already existing interactions.  Twitter… you follow people and hope they follow back.  True, Twitter is completely open.  Any person can view another persons information anytime they want (unless the account is locked). But again, you can get more interaction with the groups on Facebook than you can on Twitter.

I just think that Twitter has turned into a monster.  The once very-richly-informative news site, has turned into nothing but useless information that no one really cares about.

Again, I love and respect Twitter for what is stands for… but I just don’t use it as much as I use to anymore…

-The Other Point Of View

Arizona Illegal Immigrants Are Concerned They’ll Be Deported?

Apparently, all of the illegal Hispanics that live in Arizona are afraid to walk the streets now, because of fear they will be arrested and sent back home… hmmmmmm…. really???

These same people, that want all the freedoms we have, but yet, they will NOT do it the legal way, are now taking this matter to the Supreme Court to get a final saying on if Arizona has the right for such “strick” laws. Since when was enforcing illegal immagrant laws strick?

Maybe I have no heart in this matter, but if you want to come to our country, then do it the correct way, or we should have every legal right to force you to leave. Your current way of “freedom” in our country is hurting this country more than helping it. So…. Thanks!

Press:Arizona Illegal Immigrants Adapt to a Crackdown –


-The Other Point of View

Why Does Anyone Care About… Pt I

Driving down the street, I see many vans/SUV owners that love expressing their love of their family by using decals of every member in it… Have you seen these?

Question number 1: Why, why… omg… why do you think anyone cares?

Question number 2: This is a wonderful way to stalk a family and who’s in it, isn’t it?

Question number 3: (Please insert Question number 1 here!!!)

I really don’t understand why people do this.  And sadly, I’ve seen pets added to the mix now.  In fact… my sister posted a picture on Facebook showing a crossover that had nothing but cats on the back.  Talk about a lot of pussy in one house… lol

I wish I could ask these people why they feel its “cool” or “important” for everyone to know who is in your family. And to follow that question… Ask them if they have ever thought about stalkers cause now I know who your wife and children are.  Geeeeez.

-The Other Point of View

A Glimpse Into My Life…

I usually don’t share this side of me…

By Definition… Loneliness is the state of being alone in solitary isolation.

Eight months ago I asked for a divorce from a marriage that lost its focus on what the two of us were in it for… So for the past eight months I have been in and out of this state of being multiple times.  I have good friendships that have helped me along the way.  I have met amazing new people that has helped me keep my head high… Yet, at times, I still feel like I’m climbing this very steep hill all by myself without a rope.

Living alone, at the time, seemed like an awesome idea.  However, as the days turned night and nights turned day… this is just adding to my loneliness.  I try new activities… like this blog for example, to allow me to connect, and at the same time, share my sense of humor.  But one can only hide this feeling for so long…

Its amazing what a companion can bring… But yet, finding her has been the hardest task out of all of this… mainly for the main reason, the divorce is not finalized yet.  For the other reasons… they remain to be unknown.  I know time will heal everything and everything happens for a reason, but this is a hard pill to swallow.

Each and every morning I awake with a smile on my face ready to tackle a new day… and each and every night I go to sleep ready to get to the next morning… Hoping, one day, I’ll open my eyes, and not need to dream any more… cause you will be my dream.

“I’m going to smile like nothings wrong. Talk like everyrthings perfect and act like it’s all a dream and pretend its not hurting me.” -Unknown

This quote has summed me up perfectly for just about my entire life.  Everyone that knows me, knows the happy me.  The one that is alway smiling.  The one that everyone gets along with and is very entertaining.  Very rarely does anyone get to see this deeper side of me.

As I continue to climb this hill… I will not look back and say “What if?”… but continue looking forward and say… Why Not? (with a smile)

-The Other Point of View