Arizona Illegal Immigrants Are Concerned They’ll Be Deported?

Apparently, all of the illegal Hispanics that live in Arizona are afraid to walk the streets now, because of fear they will be arrested and sent back home… hmmmmmm…. really???

These same people, that want all the freedoms we have, but yet, they will NOT do it the legal way, are now taking this matter to the Supreme Court to get a final saying on if Arizona has the right for such “strick” laws. Since when was enforcing illegal immagrant laws strick?

Maybe I have no heart in this matter, but if you want to come to our country, then do it the correct way, or we should have every legal right to force you to leave. Your current way of “freedom” in our country is hurting this country more than helping it. So…. Thanks!

Press:Arizona Illegal Immigrants Adapt to a Crackdown –


-The Other Point of View