Political Pinterest

Found these to be extremely accurate and funny…


To Call or Not to Call…


Anymore today, we find ourselves talking less and txting/emailing more. What is with this drive of wanting ‘lack of communication’?  I am guilty of this myself.  I definitely prefer to txt or email someone than to call them. I would actually rather see them in person than to call them.  For some reason, everyone has found it ‘almost’ rude to pick up the phone and just call. How about the cellphone ringtones? How many times have you tried to silence the incoming call when your ringtone starts going off? Doesn’t this just play into this whole problem.

I find it interesting… that as a society, we have all quietly elected that phone calls are rude (except for IT help, that seems to be completely OK still).  Txting has become the norm of communication and emails are the new voicemail.

What are your thoughts?