Government Poll


Dear Readers:

This is a subject that I have many strong feelings with, and as well, have come to an understanding and an acceptance about a few things… So before anyone judges me, please be aware that I am not passing judgement on others with this post; I am simply stating my opinion.  After all, that is what my blog is all about: my thoughts, my opinions.

Equality… what does this mean?  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it is “The state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, and opportunities.”  By this definition alone, I feel every human being has the right to be treated equally.  No… that doesn’t mean that everyone should be given a house.  No… that doesn’t mean that everyone should be given the most earned job.  No… that doesn’t mean that everyone should be able to enjoy the “finer things in life”.  I am simply stating… Everyone should have the opportunity for education.  Everyone should be able to be employed (given that the individual fits the description/requirements of that job).  Everyone should be able to have the opportunity to improve their lives.  Everyone should have the right at life.  Everyone should treat each other how you, yourself, would like to be treated.  I could go on… but you can see the point I am trying to make.  Everyone should have the right of live.

My view points on abortion and capital punishment of more of a conservative approach.  I believe in Pro-Life; however, I have also come to the conclusion that some people don’t believe in that.  And because of this conclusion, who am I to force my opinion upon them?  Also, I believe that if someone murdered another(s), that I would rather sentence capital punishment than let them live the rest of their life in prison.

Again… these are my view points.  My opinions…  I am not being a bigot.  I am not being racist.  I am not forcing my view points on someone else to make them have to follow.  I am simply stating what I feel is the correct choice.

When it comes to equality of marriage… I stand in a very confused state.  I feel that humans were created to love our neighbors as you love yourself.  That we should live a life that makes “you” happy, and uplift others to spread your joy.  After all… a loving and caring world is better place to live than this judgmental and hatred one we have right now.

I did go to church when I was young.  I have read a majority of The Bible.  I have an understand of how to walk the path of Jesus Christ.  Do I religiously follow this path? No.  Should I be? Probably.  Why don’t I?  This question goes full circle back to my very confused state.  According to The Bible… Homosexuality is a sin.  According to The Bible… All sins where forgiven when Jesus took his life for ours.  According to The Bible… Christians are suppose to love everyone and bring people closer to Jesus Christ.  So… according to what I have learned… I am suppose to be accepting and understand of your quote-on-quote sin, and I am suppose to love you and help you understand about Jesus Christ.  I am suppose to teach you how following His word will bring peace and acceptance into your life.

Is homosexuality a sin?  Depends on who you ask.  I believe that everyone sins.  We all have faults.  Am I know being a bigot and saying your fault is homosexuality? No.  I am simply stating that we all have personal issues that we can fix to make each of us a stronger person.  As to my knowledge… homosexuality is considered a sin if you believe in Christianity and a few other religious groups around the world.

Again… I am not forcing my opinions on anyone.  This is just my opinion.

Do I believe in protecting “marriage”?  Yes.  I feel marriage is a very special occasion between a “man” and a “woman” with God.  However… I do believe this opinion is biased because I believe in the Christianity definition of that word.  If you are not a Christian, you’re feelings/beliefs my be different.

So where does that bring me…

I have learned/accepted, as stated above, that people live around this world with different opinions.  Is anyone right?  No.  Is anyone wrong?  No.  After all… it is your opinion and not mine.  I am not the one in power to be judgmental… only one person can do the judging.  I have come to the conclusion that I cannot force my opinions/beliefs on others when it comes to the issue of marriage.  I have come to the conclusion that if you love someone, no matter who that someone may be, who am I to stand in the way of your happiness?

On a different but similar subject… I feel the LGBT is more upset over the governments definition of marriage than the religious beliefs of it.  Until yesterday… the government only viewed marriage as between a “man” and a “woman” (signed into law in 1996 by President Bill Clinton).  Because of this view-point, it denied many LGBT couples in having the same tax benefits and health benefits that all marriage couples currently have.  With a 5-4 ruling yesterday from SCOTUS, this view point has changed in the government.  SCOTUS voted to reject DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), which depicted that a marriage is only between a man and woman, and because of this rejection; will allow homosexual couples the right to benefits that heterosexual couples have had for years.

Will everyone embrace homosexual marriages?  No.  This is something that the homosexual community must understand.  There will always be people that will see this lifestyle as inappropriate.  There will always be people that will see this lifestyle as a sin.  There will always be people that will see this lifestyle as disturbing.  So why force to change their mind?  Who cares… if you are happy with yourself and with the government for accepting your lifestyle… then why worry about what other people say?  To this I say… live life.  If you are happy… then why change?  I understand, from a state/federal government standpoint… you want equality.  I do believe the LGBT is on the right path to finally getting this equality, but everyone must understand that just because the government approves of it, it doesn’t mean everyone has to accept it (the lifestyle).

Will I ever accept it?  Probably not fully.  I don’t mind talking with, hanging with, partying with, homosexuals.  I have no problem with their presence. I have no problems being friends with them.  Will I ever attend a wedding in sharing his/her love with another?  Probably not.  Not because I am being rude… I just don’t, in my opinion, feel that lifestyle is appropriate.  But again… that is my opinion and I don’t force that on anyone.

But you are a Conservative… so by nature you are forcing your opinion…

To this, I say, my view points don’t match the few points of others.  Just because I choose to live a conservative lifestyle, that doesn’t mean that I am forcing my lifestyle on others.  So this argument needs to be put to rest with me.  There are many conservative Christians that have an understanding and acceptance of the lifestyles that another chooses.  And… these same conservative Christians don’t go out in the world and force their opinions.

Let me know your thoughts and opinons in the comments…


Makes Sense To Me…


Because It Was Written… Pt. I


There is always an argument for each side of the table when it comes to politics.  Fortunately… we live in a Nation were we have the right to voice our opinions, and because of our ‘Rights’, you and I can speak freely.  We live in a World, if you will, that has emotions at every corner.  Some of these emotions are to the extreme, and some of these emotions keep everyone calm.

The “Because It Was Written” posts will talk about “our rights” that were given to every American through the Bill of Rights.  Today, instead of talking about the 1st Amendment, I will go out-of-order and talk about the 2nd Amendment.  This has been a very heated topic in the media, in the government, and amongst family and friends, as of late.

2nd Amendment

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Translation (if you need help understanding):  The individual right to be armed will be respected, and that the resulting armed citizens will be secure against tyranny, invasion, and/or crime.

The 2nd Amendment is in place to protect the people from a government takeover, essentially.  The founding fathers were very careful in how they worded this Amendment.  They wanted to make sure that it was written to protect the American people in case an event like the Revolution War ever happened again.  We, the people, have the right to “bear arms”.  They choose the word “arms” so it wouldn’t be constrained to a certain type of weapon.

When someone tells you to arm yourself… you will grab whatever is available to arm yourself with.  You hope the arm you are using to protect yourself with will be equal to or better than the arm your opponent has.  This is essential.  This is a big reason for using the word “arms”.  We, the people, have the right to purchase, possess, and use the same arms our governing military can use.  Our founding fathers wanted to make sure the people can protect themselves, like the Government, from an event of tyranny.

Over the past couple of decades, this Amendment has been attacked by our leaders in Washington, D.C.  Why the attack?  Many Democrat elected officials believe that guns are evil.  They seem to have an agenda to restrict and/or do away with the 2nd Amendment.  What’s interesting… many civilians that vote Democrat do not support this, so how are these elected officials speaking for their people?  With recent events in gun-free zones, that has happened around the country, the Left has tried to convince the American people that these “assault rifles” and/or “military style weapons” should be banned.  What makes a rifle “assault”?  Can anyone explain what “military style weapons” are? The Left are smart in this one area… they are being so vague to eventually outlaw every “arm”.

The statement “My right to own a gun is what protects your right to tell me I can’t” is a very true statement.  The minute the government makes weapons illegal to the people, will be the beginning of the end of America as we once knew it.  It will also be the beginning of a revolutionary war to fight back for what is “our” land, “our” right.  If history has taught us anything… countries that have disarmed their citizens have been taking over by a Socialist Government.  A government, which history has showed us, isn’t for the people.  We, the people, will loose all rights we have fought for since the beginning of America.

Some people think my views are extreme, however; I would like to remind you that as extreme as you may think they are… these events have happened, and history always will repeat itself unless we learn from it.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below…


Liberals… Why So Serious?

If you want to stand with a group of people that enjoy getting handouts, that isn’t Pro-Life, that makes you dependent on government for survival, that would rather have no God/gods to have ever existed, that wants to continue to raise taxes, and that allows the poor to eat better than the working class…

Then this picture is a great example of you…

-The Other Point of View