The Challenge…

Many people is this world strive to be fit, healthy, or at least, in-shape.  The problem folks run into is work, life, laziness, and sleep. Work takes up 40 hours of your time awake during the week. The sleeping takes up, at least, six hours of your night routine. Just this alone will give you twelve hours (on average) of the day still left. Plan an hour a day to get ready, and an hour total to commute to and from work, you would still have eight to ten hours left of your day.

What you do during your free time makes you the person you are today!

If you snack and lay around all day, sleep all day, watch movies/TV shows all day, on your computer or game console, then you need to set goals to stop yourself from repeating the same habits that you are too comfortable with already. Making goals aren’t complicated. Have one big goal in mind. Then make small goals to help you achieve the big goal.

Let’s say you want to loose 25lbs and add some muscle (or tone) to your body as well. Looking at the bigger goal, you may lose focus, however, if you have a smaller goal of a pound a week for twenty weeks, and weight training at least twice a week, in the twenty weeks you will notice that your bigger goal has been met.

I am writing up a goal for myself that I will post on my blog. Ask me questions if you need help setting yours. Together, we can create a network that we can count on to keep us focused. Together, we can keep our bigger goals in sight. Together, we can help others that need assistance as well.

-more to follow…