Amazes Me, Pt. IV

By now… I am sure everyone has seen or heard about the press conference President Obama had yesterday regarding violence and signing executive orders that are about weapons that are labeled “assault rifles”.  What bothers me more… is the approach he took during the press conference…

Obama_Gun_ControlIn the above picture… you see President Obama signing his executive orders, and behind him you see four children watching him.  These four children seem happy… excited even, to be there, and even gave our President hugs and “high-five’s” during this time.



In the above picture… you see Hitler after signing into place his ban on weapons.  What is interesting with this picture and the above picture are the children.  Four kids in each picture. Two girls and two boys in each picture.  Female, boy, female, boy in that order in each picture.  All children look to be interested in whats happening.

What the above picture doesn’t show is the consequences of Hitler’s actions on this day.  I am not implying nor saying that Obama and Washington have the same agenda… but I am saying that both these pictures have scary similarities.

What are your thoughts about the Executive Orders Obama signed on Jan 16th?  Do you think a ban on assault weapons is the answer to the current violence taking place in America?  Do you think this ban doesn’t matter because criminals will use whatever they want anyways? Do you feel more or less Government should be involved?  Let me know in the comment section below…
